Fukubukuro shopping, luckiest luckypack ever?

Hey y'all!
While I am traveling on a budget right now, I couldn't let luckypack season pass me by while I'm IN Japan! None of the lolita brands' luckypacks caught my eye except Metamorphose, and 25000 yen for one dress set is definitely a bit too much for me right now. Instead I went with some non-lolita brands but I decided to still make a post about it because they're quite lolita-esque and also seeing luckypack contents is just a lot of fun!

I'd planned to go to Axes Femme and Tutuanna today. Axes Femme had no less than 5 types of luckypacks with small preview pictures so I knew roughly what to expect and their regular pack seemed right up my alley! Plus at 11000 yen it's afforable.

  So I went to Aeon Mall close to Kyoto Station, which has both Axes Femme and Tutuanna. I browsed the sale a bit (lots of great deals, up to 60% off!) but in the end I bought just the two luckypacks.

Axes Femmes bag contents were especially made for the luckypacks, while Tutuannas are leftover stock.
After peeking inside and having lunch I dropped everything off at the hostel and went to buy some mangas that I'd had my eye on in OPA Kyoto. There I found that a lot of the small boutiques were selling luckypacks, including two small jewelry shops on the bottom floor (that I was convinced were one big shop until the cashier girl sent me to the other shop to pay). I got two more for just 1600 yen total, both leftover stock.

So what did I get?

Axes Femme

This pack was less of a surprise as they had previews, but I'm still happy with what I got!

Five pieces total, two knits, a jumperskirt, a skirt and a coat + the bag.

First off, the knits. Apologies for the crappy hostel lighting, the one on the left is a powdery lavender and the one on the right offwhite. The lavender one is SO soft!!

Dress and skirt. The dress is close to irl colours, the skirt is definitely more lavendery than the dusty rose it seems to be here. I might hem the skirt because as it is it hits me a good bit below my knees which I don't feel is very flattering on me.

And the coat! It's not super thick but it insulates well. I love that when they had to cut corners they didn't skimp out on details (*cough BTSSB cough*) but instead went for a 60's A-line design that looks best with clean lines. I might hem this too, same length issue.


I feel like for many people this luckypack wouldn't be very lucky but I'm super stoked! I mainly bought it because all of my casual socks are wearing out at the same time and I figured 1000 yen for a couple of pairs of socks would be a good buy. Black tights are always useful, and they're in my size. The navy socks were a nice surprise, they're sparkly. But the big piece for me were the kitty house socks! I LOVE them, the little toebeans on the soles make me incredibly happy! I wear house socks a lot too so this pack is perfect for me!

This pack cost 1000 yen and the value of the contents added up to 5400 yen.

I ripped the only sticker with the name of the store on it so I have no idea which brand
This was marketed as a varied accessory and clip earring pack. Had I realized these were two stores instead of one I might not have gotten this one as I like very delicate jewelry and the other store had a lot more of that, but I bought it before I noticed so oh well! At 1100 yen it doesn't matter that much.

I was a little disappointed with the chunky earrings and hairband until I realized they go together really well for a cute 60's look! The elastic is pink with sparkly fabric, pretty cute. The bag charm is nice aside from the neon pink flower hearts but that's a five minute fix with some nail polish. The middle bar thing is a hairpin, and hilariously I got a matching one in khaki green in the other pack! The crinkly earrings are the one thing I really don't know what to do with, they're a bit too funky for my taste and for some reason they have different clips on them so one is stiff while the other is dangly. Lastly the red choker is cute. All in all not a crazy good pack but not bad either!

This one cost 1100 yen and the contents are worth 10700 yen! Not bad.

Beau Atout AKA luckypack insanity

So see those wrinkles on the bag? That's because this one was STUFFED. So stuffed that I thought they'd put in something fragile and padded it, even though it was sold as a hair accessory pack. Imagine my surprise when I sat down and opened it and pulled out this wad of accessories!

..and out came ALL OF THIS. Spread over two bags. If you look closely you might see that it's very evenly divided- four hair elastics, two headbands, two sets of plain clips, two banana clips, even the same bow twice. That's because I'm 99% sure they accidentally gave me two sets of accessories instead of one! I got my suspicions when I noticed how nicely the bags mirrorred eachother, and then I pulled out two of the same bows. I bought this pack for just 500 yen, and every single thing in this bag was already worth more than that!! In fact, everything tallied up for no less than 16,800 yen in value, or an astounding 3360% content value compared to the purchase price. 
...lets just hope I didn't use up all my luck for this year yet.

So I went back to the store to check if something indeed went wrong, and I can't believe I'm saying this but this luckypack was *not* a mistake. That massive 16800 yen value was INTENTIONAL. However considering the goodies were put in two separate bags and the fact that the bag itself was straining I think indicates that they intended to sell smaller luckypacks and changed their minds last minute. They were carrying three types of luckypacks, two for 1000 yen each and these for 500. I found a sign pointing out their value and the 1000 yen ones were 20,000 and 15,000 yen(!!!), I'm guessing they thought one pack with a 8,000 yen value seemed not worth it in comparison? I have no idea, it's insane. 
So of course I bought two more.

These are the two baggies I got, for 2000 yen total. Both are mixed accessory packs, one is more jewelry focused and the other is a little bit of everything.

and here are their respective contents!

And everything together. Considering those cross earrings alone cost 2300 yen new, this is insane value. There's a couple duds, of course (lime green bow with purple dots, I'm looking at you) but in general, this is quite up my alley! The earrings on the table were pierced earrings that I turned into clips. I really wonder if these huge luckypacks are something this shop does every year? There were still a whole bunch left when I came by a day later so if this was meant as a promotion thing, it didn't work super well...


  1. Those are some excellent lucky pack finds! I got an Axes Femme one I think 2 years ago now and while it wasn't very much my style, I enjoyed trying out the various pieces that I wouldn't have normally gone for and still wore almost everything at least for a bit. Yours looks much nicer though. And that last accessory pack is very generous!

    1. Luckypacks are absolutely perfect for trying out new styles! I did the same with an AP luckypack to try out OTT sweet :P And it was! I updated it actually, went back and got more, oops...

  2. That's some great deals you got, especially on the accessory packs! I'm always tempted by lucky packs because I really like the concept but I'm too much of a slave to cohesiveness and picky tastes to commit haha. At least I can still enjoy other people's hauls!

    1. I like to see luckypacks as a coordinating challenge instead! ^^ and I'll admit I still love seeing other peoples luckypack hauls too haha!


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