Shopping in Japan on a budget
Imagine this. You've finally booked the trip of your life, you're going to Japan. You have accommodation, travel tips and your suitcase is ready to go. However, you do not have thousands or even hundreds to spend on frivolous shopping! Considering cute clothes are expensive, that means you're done for, right? Time to limit yourself to one dress and nothing else. Well, not quite. Yes, brand new Angelic Pretty and gyaru-esque brands (Liz Lisa!) are very expensive, but you need to know where to look! First off, the classic, Closet Child . I think we all know what Closet Child is. However, their physical stores all vary a lot! I've found that Harajuku has the cheapest blouses and Axes Femme (300 yen Meta cutsew because the pearls needed to be re-sewn, 300 yen Axes Femme tanktop because it's a tanktop), Shibuya has the best Emily Temple Cute selection and Ikebukuro is just great all around. If you're on a family trip and you can only visit one, go for Ikebukuro! Th...